Tag Archives: weight loss behavior

Losing weight requires a lot of time and energy. There are dietary guidelines that you need to keep up with, gym memberships that you have to use regularly, and plenty of social engagements and stress-related indulgences that you need to learn how to work around if you hope to keep up with your weight loss goals. While this can weigh heavily on your daily schedule, it can also begin to weigh heavily on your wallet. [Read more]

Staying properly hydrated is important for your overall health, and matters when you are trying to lose weight. Being dehydrated can actually slow down your weight loss progress, making it more difficult to reach your weight loss goals, even if you are putting in the dieting and exercise effort that you need. You may think that this is something that doesn’t affect you because you aren’t thirsty, but you could be totally wrong! The problem is that dehydration is actually way more common than you may originally think, and could be impacting your weight loss goals right now. [Read more]

Coffee is one of the most hotly contested and passion infused drinks on the market. There are those who hate it, those who love it, and those who swear that they could absolutely never live without it. For those in this last camp, the idea of forgoing coffee during your weight loss program may seem a little more than far-fetched; it probably seems downright impossible. Making dietary adjustments is hard, finding time to exercise every day is even harder, but not having that cup of coffee in the morning to help you get going—that is the hardest sell of all. [Read more]