
5 Practical Tips for Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Whether you deal with it daily or it comes and goes, anxiety is something that everyone experiences at one time or another. It can be frustrating and hard to manage. If you are experiencing daily anxiety or is it keeping you from enjoying your life, make sure to talk to your doctor. In the meantime, here are some tips to help you reduce your anxiety and stress naturally.


Take a Break From Social Media.

Social media isn’t just for socializing with friends and family anymore. It has become a universal place to get updates on news, make purchases, and share our opinions online. This can be overwhelming for some people. You may not realize that social media is causing a lot of your extra stress and anxiety until you take a break for a few days. Try to take a weekend off from social media. Spend your time doing things that are relaxing and quiet. Take a long bath, go for a hike, or read a good book. Taking a break to rest your mind is like pushing a reset button on your brain. It will do amazing things for your anxiety levels.



Exercise is one of the best ways to relieve stress and anxiety. Start small and work your way into a regular workout routine. If running on a treadmill seems boring to you, try walking your dog a few times a day or take up a new sport. The more you enjoy your exercise routine, the more likely you are to stick to it. Exercising outside is the best way to improve your mood and lower stress.


Get Some Sunshine.

Sunshine is a natural remedy for depression and anxiety because of the vitamin D that your body gets from the sun. This is why you may feel more down or stressed during winter months. Aim for at least 15 minutes of sunshine a day during the afternoon. Eat lunch outside at work or take a quick walk to the local store instead of driving. You will be amazed how much better you feel after a few days of sunshine.


Reduce Caffeine and Sugar.

Caffeine and sugar are stimulants and can cause unnecessary stress on the nervous system. Most people don’t realize how much caffeine and sugar they are consuming every day. Pay attention to the amount of coffee or energy drinks you are drinking, and try your best to reduce this amount. If you are craving something sweet, instead of sugary snacks, replace them with fruit for a healthy alternative. Your stress levels are intricately linked to your diet, so be mindful of what you are eating and drinking.


Get Your Vitamin Levels Checked.

Many doctors overlook this step when trying to diagnose and treat anxiety and depression. If you have a vitamin deficiency, you may be experiencing an increase in anxiety as a symptom. Ask your doctor to run a blood test to check your vitamin levels, particularly vitamin D, B12, and iron. Your anxiety symptoms may go away after you have treated your vitamin deficiency.


Daily anxiety is not only uncomfortable, it can also prevent you from enjoying your life. The good news is anxiety is very treatable once you know what’s causing it. Making some changes and working closely with your doctor will get you back to feeling like yourself in no time!

5 Practical Tips for Reducing Stress and Anxiety