
Why You’ll Always Create Worries (But Can Use Them for Self-Improvement)

Have you ever noticed your mind shows you potential but unlikely pitfalls regularly? Despite the meagerness of their prospect of blossoming, endless streams of would-be difficulties flow. Here’s how to use them for self-improvement rather than become anxious about them. First, though, it helps to know why you are presented with them.


Why your mind is littered with pitfalls

Your brain is built to let you know about difficulties you may meet. This is helpful sometimes since you can weigh pros and cons if you have an inkling of what the future may hold.

Often, however, this useful brain function works overtime. It’s too efficient. Mostly, it offers unrealistic scenarios based on your fears and reflects what bothers you. If you fear rejection, for instance, your brain will conjure stories about how people you associate with might discard you. If the lack of hygiene on the streets worries you, your mind will highlight rubbish and instances when people are unhygienic.

Your brain is doing a grand job, nonetheless. Recognizing there’s a reason pitfalls are stressed provides a clue about how to reduce fears and make use of them.


Know what your worries reflect

Occasionally, common sense worries come to fruition and you benefit from heeding them. Your concern about how you will get soaked if it rains, for example, when you go out on a gray day will prompt you to slip an umbrella into your bag. You’ll be glad the idea a downpour was possible sprung to mind when the inevitable happens.

At other times, though, the concerns in your head reflect your anxieties and what you judge the most. They reveal a great deal about you and can help you gain self-awareness.

Concerned you will screw-up an interview? Most likely, your mind reflects your strong desire to get the job rather than your ineptness. Worried you didn’t say the right thing and someone may not like you? Your concerns highlight your need for validation and your lack of self-esteem.


Watch for patterns

Common sense concerns are similar for everyone. Gray skies stimulate worry that results in preparation for rain. Other worries, though, are personal and helpful when recognized. To know them, look for thought patterns.

What topic arises in your head often? Do your worries have a theme like fear of being judged, left out, or mistreated? Do they tell you something important about yourself? Maybe you need to build confidence, stand up for yourself, or change direction in life.


Everyone’s mind busily creates worries. There’s no point getting stressed about your dilemmas though. Instead of letting them control you, why not use them to your advantage? Realize why they exist and put them to good use. As a result, your stress will drop and self-awareness will grow.

Why You’ll Always Create Worries (But Can Use Them for Self-Improvement)