
Diving in to Weight Loss Success

Diving in to Weight Loss SuccessThere is nothing quite so enjoyable on a hot Georgia day than feeling the freshness of cold water around you. When you are looking to lose weight in Atlanta, you have your fill of options in regards to what type of exercise will fit your needs. There are trails to walk, mountains to climb, beaches to peruse, and countless gyms to explore. But in the summer, it might be best to take a step away from the heat of the sun and find a way to stay active while keeping cool. Swimming is a great solution here. As you work hard to stay hydrated this summer, you might want to think about heading to the local lake, beach, or pool.

Benefits of Swimming after Weight Loss Surgery

Water activities are one of the highest recommended forms of exercise after weight loss surgery. Once your bariatric wounds are healed and you are permitted to submerge the wounds in water, you can really take advantage of how easy it is to move around and exercise in the pool. Because of the density of the water, activities in the pool are low-impact. This means they make it easier on your knees, hips, and ankles—as well as on the rest of your body.

There are plenty of ways that you can exercise in the water. Great workout solutions include:

  • Swimming laps in a pool. Rotating between different types of swimming strokes will work different muscles and help you get in a full-body workout.
  • Kicking on a boogie-board or the side of the pool is a good lower-body exercise.
  • Water aerobics will give you a full-body workout, as well. But instead of regular aerobics, which requires a lot of jumping and other movements that might be difficult after weight loss surgery, the water reduces impact on the joints and makes it easier to handle.

Before you jump in the pool, there are a few things to keep in mind. While you should follow that age-old advice of not eating for 30 minutes before swimming, you definitely should stay hydrated. Keep a water bottle nearby when you are in the water. When you are working out in the pool, you may not realize how tired your arms will get. Always remember safety first.

Swimming is a great cardiovascular exercise and an ideal stepping stone into other forms of aerobic activity. Check your local gym or community center for a pool near you. While you can do the same activities in a lake or at the beach, it is extra important that you keep safety in mind when you are outdoors.

Diving in to Weight Loss Success