Celebrate National Eat Better, Eat Together Month!
October is National Eat Better, Eat Together Month, a perfect time to strengthen both your relationships and your health by enjoying meals with family or friends. Research consistently shows that eating together can improve overall eating habits, encouraging balanced meals, portion control, and mindful eating.
Benefits of Eating Together:
When you share meals, you have the opportunity to model healthy eating behaviors, such as:
- Taking small bites and savoring your food.
- Putting down your utensil between bites to pace yourself.
- Listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues.
- Avoiding the temptation to go back for unnecessary seconds or leftovers.
These habits help create a positive food environment that benefits not only you but also the people you dine with, especially children who learn eating behaviors through observation.
Start Small: Build the Habit of Eating TogetherBuilding new habits doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Here’s a step-by-step approach to establish regular family or group meals:
Start with one meal a week:Choose a day when everyone is likely to be at home. Schedule this family dinner just like any other important commitment.Make it a shared effort:Rotate responsibility for planning and preparing the meal. Let each family member take turns picking their favorite healthy menu ideas. Involving everyone encourages engagement and creativity in meal preparation.Gradually increase frequency:Once you’ve consistently met the goal of one shared meal per week, aim for two, then three. Over time, regular family meals will become a cherished tradition.Create a welcoming atmosphere:Make meals special by setting the table, turning off screens, and focusing on conversation. Use this time to reconnect, share stories, and support one another.
A Long-Term Investment in Health and Relationships
Regular family meals offer lasting benefits, from fostering better nutrition to enhancing emotional well-being. Studies show that families who eat together tend to consume more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and have lower rates of obesity and disordered eating.
By celebrating National Eat Better, Eat Together Month, you’re investing in both your health and your relationships. Start small, be consistent, and enjoy the countless benefits of quality time at the dinner table!

Celebrate National Eat Better, Eat Together Month!