
Five Ways to Know If Your Fitness Plan Is Working

After sticking with a fitness plan, you may begin to wonder if it is the right plan for you. Not all exercise routines work for everyone. However, if you notice any of the following five signs, you know you are on the right track:

Greater Strength and Stamina

Finding that you can lift heavier weights and perform longer workouts is a major sign that your fitness plan is working. At the start of your workout, you may find yourself struggling to lift even light weights or huffing through a ten-minute aerobics session. However, if you can lift weights you were unable to lift before or complete longer and more intense sessions, then you can be sure that your fitness plan is working.

Weight Loss

Registering a lower weight on the scale is one sign that your fitness plan is working. If you are eating right and taking part in some form of exercise regularly, you should start to experience weight loss after a few weeks. Even if you still look the same, a weight scale can provide evidence of pounds lost and act as a major motivation booster.

Quicker Recovery

You may find yourself needing to rest for up to one week to recover from strenuous exercise at the beginning of a workout program. Your muscles are not yet used to exercise and are thus experiencing increased stress. As you get more experienced at working out, your muscles will recover more quickly and recovery will not take so long.

More Enjoyable Workouts

Enjoying your workouts more is a sign that your fitness plan is working. Once you get over the first few excruciating weeks, workouts seem to become easier and you will not feel as if you are working too hard. Increased levels of exercise also prompt the body to release ‘happy’ chemicals known as endorphins, which leave you feeling euphoric.

Bigger and Better-Defined Muscles

Muscle development is another great sign that your fitness plan is working. If you are eating healthy to lose weight and ensuring that you lift weights, you should begin to see muscles developing in as little as three weeks. Of course, if you currently carry a lot of excess fat, your new muscles may not be immediately visible. Do not worry, though. Your muscles will still develop and begin to be revealed as you lose more and more weight.

A lower number on the scale is not the only sign that your fitness plan is working. If you notice that you are building muscle or your stamina is increased, you are doing something right. Remember to continue pushing yourself, so you can continue your progress and become stronger.

Five Ways to Know If Your Fitness Plan Is Working