
Stay Healthy while on Vacation

Stay Healthy while on VacationVacation season is here! Follow these tips to enjoy your vacation and stay healthy too!

  1. Try to plan and enjoy vacations without focusing on food. Schedule non-food activities like bike rides, walks on the beach, snorkeling, hiking, flying a kite and/or miniature golf.
  2. Plan ahead! Research restaurants and menus in your destination area. Plan meals and beverages ahead of time to stay on track. Lean baked, grilled or steamed protein foods first (palm of hand) and fruit or non-starchy vegetable second (fist).
  3. Carry bariatric friendly foods with you, so you won’t be forced to make an unwise food choice when you’re on the road. Always keep non-perishable items like protein bar/shake, crystal light packets, and bottled water with you and pack a cooler with bariatric friendly items like greek yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat string cheese, chicken salad or tuna salad.
  4. Enjoy!

Stay Healthy while on Vacation