Tag Archives: healthy habits

There’s supposedly a silver lining to every cloud, but silver linings are sometimes hard to see while you’re in the middle of a crisis. When schools are closed and you’re out of work or forced to work from home, it can feel as though your world’s been turned upside down.
There are challenges when the children are around while you’re trying to get work done, when your favorite stores are closed, and you can’t get a haircut. The silver lining is that when a crisis presses the pause button on your life, you can try to use that pause productively. Here are five positive habits you might develop during a health crisis. [Read more]

Have you ever noticed your mind shows you potential but unlikely pitfalls regularly? Despite the meagerness of their prospect of blossoming, endless streams of would-be difficulties flow. Here’s how to use them for self-improvement rather than become anxious about them. First, though, it helps to know why you are presented with them. [Read more]



As more people move to a vegan or vegetarian diet, plant-based alternatives to meat-derived food are gaining popularity. However, alongside this increasing demand are questions regarding the health benefits and overall safety of many foods. Soy is one such plant that has come under heavy scrutiny, with conflicting reports on both its benefits and drawbacks. [Read more]

Most of want to get regular exercise — or at least we think we do. But when the moment comes to actually commence a workout, inertia and lack of motivation often win out. The solution may lie within you already. Leveraging your own mind against the problem is a good idea. Here are five practical, psychological tricks to employ to get you to exercise more. [Read more]

Whether you’re a veteran gym-goer who knows your way around some free weights, or you’re a newcomer who’s trying to reach a fitness goal for the first time, you may be wondering whether a personal trainer is worth the money.  Depending on what your goals are, your personal ideas and tendencies when it comes to fitness, and where you’re at in your fitness journey, a personal trainer may be someone who can help you reach those goals faster and in a safer way.  [Read more]

For many years now, eggs have received a bad rap due to their high cholesterol levels. Health experts thought that cholesterol from food sources was risky for heart health. However, this theory has since been disproved. As a result, nutritionists now encourage people to eat up to 3 whole eggs per day, especially eggs from free-range hens. Below are a few reasons why you should eat eggs regularly: [Read more]

Recovery is arguably the most important part of a workout plan.  It’s where growth occurs, as muscles rebuild themselves and adapt and strengthen for the next workout.  Without recovery, muscles can be overworked and you may not see the results you want.  In order to make the most of recovery, however, there are several crucial components to include.  Without these components, you are leaving benefits on the table and not taking full advantage of your time off. [Read more]