Tag Archives: weight loss exercise

Did your New Year’s Resolution revolve around weight loss? According to researchers at Scranton University, starting a new diet is statistically the most popular way to start the New Year, yet around 60 percent of people quit within the first month. So if you haven’t yet quit the diet that you started on January 1, you are part of an elite club. To salvage your resolution, you’ll need a real game-changer. Enter boxing. Here are three ways to lose weight with boxing and meet your weight loss goals this year.  [Read more]

With more of us at home these days, it can be tempting to chill out a lot more, relax in front of the TV or a games console, or have that 10th zoom chat of the week with your friends and family. However, sitting around during lockdown adds inches to your waistline, and with gyms closed, many of us may wonder how we can avoid putting on weight. [Read more]

For all the positives that could be listed of reaching retirement age, there are certainly a few negatives as well. One such negative is how much more difficult it becomes to exercise, and the aches and pains that follow any attempts. However, retirement from work is not a reason to also stop exercising, in fact, doing exercise regularly as you get older is crucial for your body, and will help you stay healthier, stronger, and more flexible as you get older. The important thing to remember is that you won’t be able to do as much as when you were younger, and you may even need to learn to love different forms of exercise in order to get the amount you need. Below you will find four of the best exercises you can do as a senior that will be kind to your body, but hugely rewarding. [Read more]



Like many people looking to enhance their fitness, you work out several times a week and watch what you eat. Exercise and a healthy diet are always a part of any reputable fitness plan, but you can also increase your results with these three weight loss hacks. They help you lose weight much faster than you otherwise would, and you won’t even need to put in much effort to enjoy the rewards. When you see the difference these hacks can make in your life, you will wish you had started a lot sooner. Using smaller plates, keeping junk food out of sight and keeping healthy snacks on hand is the key to your fitness goals. [Read more]

If you have recently decided to join a gym, you have probably noticed that there are lots of options to choose from. Some are expensive and packed full of the most up-to-date equipment, while others are much more affordable and basic. With so many options available, how can you figure out which one is right for you? Well, you can start by considering these five factors: [Read more]

So, you go to the gym every day, exercise with the same equipment day by day, using the same routine. Perhaps you go for a daily walk, using the same route, the same distance, possibly even wearing the same gear. Are you surprised that you are demotivated and are finding it so hard to continue with your workout? It’s time to do things differently. Like everything in life, you need to introduce variety into your keep-fit regime. Varying your workout brings a number of benefits.  [Read more]